News and Notices

Visit of the International Anti-Corruption Academy to ECUPL


On September 28th, University Party Secretary and Deanof the School of Discipline Inspection and Supervision of East China Universityof Political Science and Law, GUO Weiluo, met with Slagjana Taseva, Dean of theInternational Anti-Corruption Academy (IACA), and senior researcher EdwardIvanov. Both parties engaged in discussions on academic research and studentcultivation. The meeting was attended by representatives from the InternationalCooperation Bureau of Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and NationalSupervisory Commission and Shanghai Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspectionand Supervision, Deputy Secretary of the University Party Committee andSecretary of the University Discipline Inspection Commission CHEN Yugang,Secretary of the Party Committee and Associate Dean of the School of DisciplineInspection and Supervision WU Meiman  among other faculty and studentrepresentatives.

GUO introduced the university and thebuilding of the School of Discipline Inspection and Supervision, as well as itsefforts in education and research in anti-corruption to Dean Taseva and herdelegation. As one of the first batch of universities to launch studentprograms in discipline inspection and supervision, ECUPL focuses on summarizingChina's practices, systems and theories in anti-corruption governance and exploringthe construction of a knowledge system of discipline inspection and supervisionwith Chinese characteristics. The school has not only brought in theoreticalexperts but also actively recruited experienced practitioners. It has enteredinto extensive cooperation with institutions in discipline inspection andsupervision and prosecution as well as enterprises. Since its establishment, theschool prioritized international cooperation in anti-corruption research byestablishing a center specifically for this purpose. It has establishedcontacts with institutions like Hong Kong's Independent Commission AgainstCorruption and Hungary's General Prosecutor's Office, and hosted the "7thInternational Anti-Corruption Conference". GUO expressed hopes that thisvisit by Dean Taseva would be an opportunity to establish mutual cooperativerelations, promote exchanges of scholars, explore joint cultivation of studentsand collaborate in academic research. The school is willing to promoteteachers' visits and lectures, students' learning and practice opportunities atIACA and share China's anti-corruption governance experiences. The school also welcomesfaculty and students from IACA to visit and exchange ideas.

Taseva introduced IACA, its degree programs and maincourses for postgraduate education. Founded in 2010, IACA is both aninternational organization and an education institution. In 2014, China becamea member, further enhancing IACA’s strength of international cooperationagainst corruption. Taseva stated that this meeting marks a good start fordeepening cooperation between the two sides. IACA has always adhered to thepursuit of excellence and the combination of theory and practice. She looksforward to lecture exchanges and welcomes Chinese students to apply for IACA’s programs.By expanding ways of international cooperation, both sides will work togetherto deepen international cooperation in anti-corruption research and nextgeneration cultivation.

Edward Ivanov, WU Meiman, Professor XU Yuzhen, WEIChangdong, FENG Liqiang, and a graduate student of the School of DisciplineInspection and Supervision CAI Minjun exchanged views during the meeting.

Before the meeting, the guests visited the Changningcampus and Suzhou River walkway.


Source: School of Discipline Inspection andSupervision, International Exchange Center, Publicity Department of the UniversityParty Committee (News Center)