News and Notices

Call for Papers –The 22nd Asian Law Institute (ASLI) Annual Conference


May 28-29, 2025, Shanghai, China

DearScholars and Researchers,

AsianLaw Institute (ASLI) was established in 2003 through a joint initiative by 16leading Asian Universities and law schools, including the Faculty of Law at theNational University of Singapore, Peking University Law School, the Universityof Hong Kong, and East China University of Political Science and Law. Since itsinception, ASLI has been committed to strengthening dialogue and collaborativeresearch on Asian law within and beyond the Asian legal community. Over thepast years, the ASLI Annual Conference has emerged as a pivotal platform forlegal education and academic exchange, reflecting the rich tapestry of diverselegal traditions and the rapidly evolving landscapes both in Asia and thebroader Asia-Pacific region.

Weare pleased to announce that the 22nd Annual Conference of the Asian LawInstitute (ASLI) will take place on May 28-29, 2025, at East China Universityof Political Science and Law in Shanghai. The theme for the upcoming event is"Discourses of Rule of Law: Asia's Narrative". This prestigious eventwill bring together distinguished legal scholars, practitioners, and expertsfrom across Asia and beyond, including Australasia, Europe, and the Americas. Participantswill engage in in-depth discussions on legal theory and practice as they relateto this significant conference theme. This conference provides an unparalleledopportunity to explore the unique narratives and interpretations of the rule oflaw in Asian contexts, while fostering international collaboration anddeepening cross-cultural understanding in the legal domain.

Asthe esteemed host of this distinguished conference, we cordially invite legalscholars, practitioners, and academics from around the globe to to submitabstracts and papers for this important dialogue on the rule of law from Asianperspectives. We anticipate that the collective expertise of our diverseparticipants will contribute significantly to the ongoing evolution of legaldiscourses worldwide, enriching our shared understanding of various legalsystems and practices.

Pleasefind below the Conference Details.

ConferenceName: The 22nd Asian Law Institute (ASLI)Annual Conference

ConferenceDate: 28th and 29th May , 2025

Conferencelocation: East China University of PoliticalScience and Law

OrganizingCommittee: Asian Law Institute & East ChinaUniversity of Political Science and Law

Conferencetheme: “Discourses of Rule of Law: Asia’sNarrative”

Topicsof Interest for Papers:

Underthe conference theme, we invite submissions of abstracts on a broad array oftopics, including but not limited to:

Bankingand Finance; Bankruptcy; Children and Law; Competition Law; Constitutional andAdministrative Law; Corporate Law and Governance; Criminal Law; Energy Law;Environmental Law; Family Law; Human Rights; Information Technology Law;International Arbitration and Dispute Resolution; International Business Law;International Investment Law; International Law; Intellectual Property Rights;International Regulation of Trade; Labor and Employment Law; Law and EconomicDevelopment; Law and Religion; Law and Society; Legal Education; LegalPluralism; Maritime Law; Migration; Miscellaneous; Private International Law;Private Law; Space Law and the Low-Altitude Economy; Tax Law; and Women andLaw.

TheConference Format:

Theconference format will remain broadly the same as in previous years: there willbe numerous parallel sessions over two days.

ImportantDeadlines at a Glance

•      Submissionof Abstracts: 15 November 2024, Friday

•      Notificationon the status of your submission: January 2025

•      Deadlinefor Early Bird Registration and Payment: 21 February 2025, Friday

•      Closingdate for Registration and Payment: 17 March 2025, Monday

•      Submissionof Completed Paper: 30 April 2025, Wednesday

•      Conference:Wednesday 28 May & Thursday 29 May 2025

 (Earlysubmission is highly recommended.)


Forcomprehensive details regarding the conference and paper submissions, includingselection criteria, abstract guidelines, paper submission and other relevantinformation, please visit:


Pleasesubmit your abstracts online to the Asian Law Institute by November 15, 2024,via the following link:

Forany inquiries, please contact the ASLI Secretariat at

Weeagerly anticipate welcoming you to the 22nd ASLI Conference at the ECUPLcampus.