2025-2026 AcademicYear
Introduction of the ChineseLanguageTrainingProgram
of East China University ofPoliticalScience andLaw
项目简介/Brief IntroductionApplication form.doc
For internationalstudents who are going to take classes mainly taught in Chinese and those whoare interested in Chinese language and culture, East China University orPolitical Science and Law provides a Mandarin Training Program that aims tohelp you study step by step and there are mainly three different periods. Atthe beginning, teachers will help you and other participants to initiallyappreciate Chinese and do some simple application practice in
listening,speaking,reading and writing as soon as possible. In the second period, teachers willhelp you and other participants greatly improve the application skill ofChinese language, especially the ability to apply the language into your ownpractical study. And it will cultivate you to own the self study ability tolearn Chinese language and culture in the future. For those who need to studyin China for professional degree, this program will open HSK examinationtutorial to help the participants get better scores on the basis of his or heroriginal Chinese ability to get access to the ideal university for a furtherstudy.
华东政法大学汉语言培训项目具有非常优质的师资力量,所有教师均具有硕士及以上学位,并且拥有非常丰富的对外汉语教学经验,且该项目完全实行小班教学,因此能够达到针对不同汉语水平、不同语言文化背景、不同年龄段的参加者提供 个性化教学及辅导,能够使参加者在最短的时间内提高汉语应用水平。另外作为课堂教学的补充,还为参加者安排了自习辅导课,有专门的辅导老师为参加者释疑解惑并练习听力及口语。该项目教学地点设在华东政法大学长宁/松江校区,拥有非常良好的汉语学习环境。校园环境及住宿等生活配套设施非常便利且价格相对比较低廉。每门课程在每个学期都会开设开放性课程,让学员们在实战中锻炼汉语,学以致用,用实际的语言能力进一步激发学生的学习兴趣。
We have excellentteachers with at least master degree who own good
experience in teaching ofChinese as a international language. In this program,
the participants with differentChinese proficiency, different language and cultural background and differentage groups will receive individual instruction in small groups that enable themto improve their skill about how to practically use Chinese. In addition, as asupplement to the classroom teaching, a self-study tutorial was arranged forthe participants. A special tutor will help participants to solve their doubtsand practice their listening and speaking skills. Studentsparticipate in this program will study in Changning/Songjiang Campus of ECUPLwith great environment for Chinese study. With quiet campus environment andgreat accommodation and living facilities that costs very little, itwill be very convenient and comfortable to live and study.
项目结构/Program outline
▯一般自每年九月初开始,至次年六月底结束/Usually starts in early
Septemberand ends at the end of June of the following year.
▯两个学期,每个学期各十八周/2 semesters of 18 weeksfor each
▯每周20个教学课时/20 teaching hours perweek
▯项目总计 1000课时/1000 class hours in total
▯汉语听力/Chinese Listening Skills
▯书写汉字、汉语写作/Writing Chinese Characters, Chinese Writing
▯自习及辅导/Personal Counselling
▯中国文化既况类课程/ClassaboutOverview ofChineseCulture
▯大学学前指导/Preschoolinstruction forthe university
项目申请资格/Eligibility forApplication
▯ 非中国国籍且具有高中以上学历
Non-Chinesenationality with highschool degreeor above
▯ 第一阶段:零起点或者入门级汉语水平
Thefirst period:No Chinese learning experienceor elementary level
▯ 第二阶段:已具备初级汉语听说读写能力
Thesecond period: Intermediate level
第一学期:( 9月中上旬----次年1月中上旬)
First semester:(early September -- early January)
| 周一 | 周二 | 周三 | 周四 | 周五 |
上午 | 1 | 9:00-10:30 | 听力 | 听力 | 综合汉语 |
| 口语 |
2 | 10:50-12:00 | ||||||
下午 | 3 | 13:30-15:00 | 自习 | 综合汉语 | 阅读 | 写作 | 自习 |
4 | 15:20-16:30 |
| Mon | Tue | Wed | Thurs | Friday |
Morning | 1 | 9:00-10:30 | Listening | GeneralChinese | Listening |
| Spoken Chinese |
2 | 10:50-12:00 | ||||||
Afternoon | 3 | 13:30-15:00 | Reading | Reading | General Chinese | Writing | Study Hall |
4 | 15:20-16:30 |
第二学期(次年2月中下旬 -----6月中下旬)
Second semester (mid-to-lateFebruary of the next year--mid to-late June)
| 周一 | 周二 | 周三 | 周四 | 周五 |
上午 | 1 | 9:00-10:30 | 听力 | 综合汉语 | 听力 |
| 口语 |
2 | 10:50-12:00 | ||||||
下午 | 3 | 13:30-15:00 | 阅读 | 阅读 | 综合汉语 | 写作 | 自习 |
4 | 15:20-16:30 |
| Mon | Tue | Wed | Thurs | Friday |
Morning | 1 | 9:00-10:30 | Listening | General Chinese | Listening |
| Spoken Chinese |
2 | 10:50-12:00 | ||||||
Afternoon | 3 | 13:30-15:00 | Reading | Reading | General Chinese | Writing | Study Hall |
4 | 15:20-16:30 |
1 class= 45mins:28 class hours per week,Nearly 500 class hours per semester;
评价体系/Study Evaluation
评价方法/Grade Evaluation
TotalScore=Class Attendance×40%+Mid-term exam×30%+term paper×30%
报名费:人民币400元Application Fee:CNY 400
学费:人民币9000元/学期 Tuition:CNY9,000per semester
1. 填写完整的申请表/Applicationfrom
2. 护照扫描件/Passport
3. 个人证件照/PersonalPicture
4. 最高学历学位证书及成绩单
Certificate of highestdegree and transcripts
5. 体检证明及无犯罪记录证明
Certificate of health test and non-criminal Record
6.所有材料扫描件发送到50256@ecupl.edu.cn, 邮件主题为“语言项目”Scanning of documents send to 50256@ecupl.edu.cnwith subject of
1. 电话:021-57090641 Tel:021-57090641
2. 邮件:50256@ecupl.edu.cn Email:50256@ecupl.edu.cn
East China University of Political Science and Law
International Exchange Center/International School